A strange bright white ring of light appears in my room at about 3 A.M. in the morning, it was like a pathway or a door. Fearful and curious as I approached suddenly it pulled me into it.
(It was a wormhole as postulated by Albert Einstein for time travel.)
And there I was floating in dark space do not know how long and finally where the wormhole dumped me was inside a place seemed like an educational institute. Walking through the corridor seemed like a place frequently seen from somewhere. There was a photograph of noted physicist and Nobel Laureate Richard Feynman displaying a glorious achievement in science along with many other noted scientists of the world.
Richard Feynman |
"The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool"-Richard Feynman.
A wormhole is a speculative structure linking disparate points in spacetime and is based on a special solution of the Einstein field equations.
Moving around in a night suit in an unknown place was scary and Hanuman Chalisa recitation helped me calm my nerves. A cafeteria was in sight which looked alive and there I saw a signboard "Caltech Institute of Technology, CA, USA."
(Fact: It produced 32 Nobel Laureates in 123 years)
Maybe it was a dream since I have been binge-watching Netflix on TV and this was like a scene from a sitcom "The BigBang Theory" depicting Caltech, Pasadena. A story featuring eminent personalities like Stephen Hawkins, Buzz Aldrin-Real Astronaut from NASA, Steve Wozniak(co-founder Apple computers), Bill Gates, and a group of genius called Nerds.**
(**a foolish or contemptible person who lacks social skills or is boringly studious.)
Image courtesy: Internet
Nevertheless, I was Enjoying a real adventure, and walking past many people around being invisible. This was really my mind playing the games or I had a chance to travel through a different dimension for real.
Was it a dream or a reality? will never know since I woke up in my bedroom safe and sane.
This brings me to wonder and raise curious questions, how modern science has produced many genii around the world but can it create role models and bring about the next generation of Nobel winners from India.
Should we not start celebrating the achievements of Aryabhatta, Brahmagupta, Bhaskara, C.V.Raman, Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam, Dr.Vikram Sarabhai, Dr.Har Govind Khorana (Nobel laureate), Venki Ramakrishnan(NL), Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar(NL), Jagdish Chandra Bose, Satyendra Nath Bose, Prafulla Chandra Ray, Srinivas Ramanujan, CR Rao, Jayant Kumar Ghosh, Shakuntala Devi, K R Parthasarathy, Rajendra Bhatia and many more whom I might have missed.
India has been a leading light of knowledge and wisdom for ages, be it Mathematics, Science, or Technology.

Countries like America, Britain, etc. for years were the breeding grounds of talent from around the world, only the best minds made it to the top universities and Indians were always pioneers.
On 14 June 2011, US President Barak Obama said "science, mathematics, and technology, are the subjects in which students of India and China are marching ahead and grabbing jobs of the future."
and this made me think whether it was the glory of our past, and what will be the future of India in the next decade?
I leave you with an unsolved mystery from Schrodinger cat paradox,
Did Schrodinger cat survive?
Thought process is Out of my league but your writing is good as you are able to keep it simple. I suggest writing simple tales like the one of your wedding . That's simple reality... whatever don't stop writing... I guess the more you write the clearer things will become